Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gravy Train = DETOX

Thanksgiving was truly epic this year. Ten whole days with my fantabulous family, complete with Southern-born Mother who is an amazing cook. After feasting, carb loading and enjoying succulent desserts EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, (and because I am fairly certain gravy is actually now flowing through my bloodstream), it is detox time.

I follow no particular "cleanse", but instead focus on the following:

1) Fluids intake: H2O & Detox Tea all day long! You will flee to pee most of the day, but that's a cleanse for you now isn't it. : )

I drink copious amounts of this.

As well as equally copious amounts of this.

2) Extra GREENS: Kale and avocado salad ROCKS. 'Tis tasty, easy to make, and I know I'm getting plenty of Omega 3's from the avocado, as well as iron, folate, fiber and vitamin A, C & K from the Kale. Kale is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supa'star. Add to this a daily dose of "Green Vibrance" supplement. Gross but excellent nutrition with a major dose of probiotics. AH-mazing. 

This is disgusting. It really is. I still take it EVERY DAY.

3) Liquid Breakfast & Liquid Lunch: Whey protein and almond butter shake. I admit to being somewhat hypo-glycemic, which can lead to getting "hangry" so I dub this super filling and tasty protein shake my "freak no more" juice! : ) Ridiculously easy to do: In a blender combine water (or milk if you want but I try to steer clear of too much dairy when I cleanse), ice, protein powder and almond butter, hit "puree".  Drink & be merry. DONE.

Very scrumptious and affordable. One more reason to love Target. : )

4) Sweat it out . . .theraputically. When I'm "flushing out the gravy" I opt for more low impact sweat sessions such as yoga or The Bar Method. S-T-R-E-T-C-H and feel the toxins being wrung out of your organs!

I'm pretty sure I look like this when I do yoga.

Eat, Drink and be Merry. Then Detox. : )

Have a Beautiful Day!

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