Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sarah is Smitten with: Gratitude, Forward Movement and 2011

As the new year approaches we start evaluating and re-assessing . . .I can honestly say that I don't see any loose ends from 2011, ony an amazing platform from which 2012 will spring. All I see is growth, adventure & love. Okay, I also see six pack abs this year. . . but I digress. ; )
New Year's resolutions aren't the only time of year I get motivated or inspired. I would like to think of myself as a perpetually inspired individual, and I realize I have a routine for "goal setting and getting", as I like to call it, all year long.

Sarah is smitten with steps to goal setting and getting:
1) Dream on
2) Hang on to positivity
3) Forward movement
4) Reaching beyond the goal

Imagery: I have a wild imagination and let it run. Surrounding myself with images of what I'm aiming for and what I want sets my brain on "GO". It's go time.

Path: I write down what I already have & am grateful for, what I want to add to that, and how I will make my wants become a reality. To me it's simply not enough to want something. I have to take action and know what resources I have to get there, because I believe a goal without a plan is nothing more than a wish. Asking myself,  "What can I do TODAY to get one step closer?" gets me there.

Believe: I believe 100% that I am reaching my goal. There are no "what if's" or "I wish" or "if only's" or "I will try's". I can and I do. Like Yoda once said "No, try not. Do or do not. There is no try."

Looking back on this year I only feel grateful for the inspiration, creativity, support & love that created such awesometasticness. I'm so unbelievably grateful for my many blessings from God. My family, my friends, my clients, and most of all, my fiance, Daniel.

Signing off on the last post of 2011. Cheers to a New Year, y'all. It will be BEAUTIFUL!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Larger than life locks are on the horizon. Hallelujah to THAT!

I'm always on the prowl for the latest and greatest volumizing hair products to give me the uber full, perfectly imperfect hair of my dreams. Until now, most volume promising products have left me wanting more. So we broke up. Over and over again this happened. Until, suddenly: [enter stage left] Aquage Uplifting Foam.  By no means new on the market, but new to me, this turns out to be the new (product) love of my life! Aquage made a promise and kept it! It truly uplifts my locks to unbelievable heights! (Insert image of me running slow motion through a field to my newest love: Aquage Uplifting Foam) 

But seriously now, read on for tips on how I do the "do" so you can too!!

*Apply to wet hair, & blowdry using your digits to lift at the roots.
*Use a heat protective spray before smoothing the ends by wrapping them around a large barrel curling iron.
*Finish with a light dusting of Aquage "Finishing Spray" to lock in the magic.

Va-va-voom! Hair is wavy, ginormous and if it had a booty it would be booty-licious. (Que hallelujah chorus)

Body building goodness. (No weights required)  : )

Have a Beautiful Day!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gravy Train = DETOX

Thanksgiving was truly epic this year. Ten whole days with my fantabulous family, complete with Southern-born Mother who is an amazing cook. After feasting, carb loading and enjoying succulent desserts EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, (and because I am fairly certain gravy is actually now flowing through my bloodstream), it is detox time.

I follow no particular "cleanse", but instead focus on the following:

1) Fluids intake: H2O & Detox Tea all day long! You will flee to pee most of the day, but that's a cleanse for you now isn't it. : )

I drink copious amounts of this.

As well as equally copious amounts of this.

2) Extra GREENS: Kale and avocado salad ROCKS. 'Tis tasty, easy to make, and I know I'm getting plenty of Omega 3's from the avocado, as well as iron, folate, fiber and vitamin A, C & K from the Kale. Kale is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supa'star. Add to this a daily dose of "Green Vibrance" supplement. Gross but excellent nutrition with a major dose of probiotics. AH-mazing. 

This is disgusting. It really is. I still take it EVERY DAY. 

3) Liquid Breakfast & Liquid Lunch: Whey protein and almond butter shake. I admit to being somewhat hypo-glycemic, which can lead to getting "hangry" so I dub this super filling and tasty protein shake my "freak no more" juice! : ) Ridiculously easy to do: In a blender combine water (or milk if you want but I try to steer clear of too much dairy when I cleanse), ice, protein powder and almond butter, hit "puree".  Drink & be merry. DONE.

Very scrumptious and affordable. One more reason to love Target. : )

4) Sweat it out . . .theraputically. When I'm "flushing out the gravy" I opt for more low impact sweat sessions such as yoga or The Bar Method. S-T-R-E-T-C-H and feel the toxins being wrung out of your organs!

I'm pretty sure I look like this when I do yoga.

Eat, Drink and be Merry. Then Detox. : )

Have a Beautiful Day!